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飞猪和去哪网涉嫌大数据"杀熟" 浅析近年我国在线旅游市场规模情况

飞猪和去哪网涉嫌大数据"杀熟" 浅析近年我国在线旅游市场规模情况

昨日上午,北京市消协公布大数据“杀熟”问题调查结果。根据调查结果显示,88.32%的被调查者指出大数据“杀熟”现象广泛 昨日上午,北京市消协公布大数据“杀熟”问题调查结果。 根据调查结果显示,88.32%的被调查者指出大数据“杀熟”现...




政策鼓励资金入市 下半年3700亿待命(股)

政策鼓励资金入市 下半年3700亿待命(股)

5月份以来个股行情看起来红火,但两市成交价却仍然下滑,市场各方都指出目前市场依然处在没增量资金入市的存量博弈论格局。只不过,两市仍然有一类资金在持续源源不断地入市,那就是通过上市公司收益转往A股市场的资金。 参照中国报告...

Popular in the United States real wood shutter

Popular in the United States real wood shutter

The modelling of real wood shutter window (breathable) deep in the European style, popular in Europe and the United States, more than 200 years in Europe and the United States, real wood shutter window (breathable) consumption accounts for...

Shutter doors and Windows industry in rural market will crea

Shutter doors and Windows industry in rural market will crea

China door industry development of the study, released last month, by the end of 2010, Chinas door industry has more than 11000 production enterprises, of which more than 10 million yuan output value of nearly 4500 enterprises. Chinas door...

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